What happens when I purchase tests and send samples in?
We check your samples and agree with you on how tests will proceed. If we have already tested the material in the medium you choose then we will automatically default to testing the material at the known dilution that achieved a Suitable Test (see One Test Wonder)
Otherwise we will have agreed already how testing should proceed (see Getting a Suitable Test on Your Own Stuff).
Actual graphs of test results are emailed to you showing, test result, dilution, % quenching against no sample control. See this example: YOUR RESULTS EXAMPLE PDF
Getting a One Test Wonder
Check out our Suitable Tests in Da House List. If the material you want to test is listed then we can test your sample as per list with one test.
Please note the testing is sensitive and relative, if your sample is much better or much worse than the original sample tested then this will be reflected. This may tell its own story … however it may also mean it’s outside a Suitable Test and need further testing to achieve this.
Getting a Suitable Test on Your Own Stuff
If there are materials, blends, products etc of your own that you’d like to regularly check for quality/activity then you need a Suitable Test on the item first as a baseline.
When you send in such a sample we initially prepare a 1:10 dilution and test that. Depending on the result we then further dilute e.g. 1:100 to try to achieve a Suitable Test and so on. Once a Suitable Test is achieved then we stop.
Therefore in this case it may be better that you initially buy more tests at a cheaper rate so we can immediately proceed towards a Suitable Test.
Any tests remaining could be used to start work on a second sample you have sent or we can simply leave any remaining tests as a credit on your account.
Please note testing of different dilutions needs to be done immediately/the same day so we usually agree how to proceed with you beforehand. You can also add these details to the Order Notes if you prefer.
Suitable Test: You receive actual output graphs of all tests done each showing test result, dilution and % quenching against no sample control. A Suitable Test means similar/same material can always be retested in future and % deviation noted.
Puzzled? Get in touch: info@qiessence.co.uk to ask us how best to proceed
QI ESSENCE LTD | HOME OF OPTIMISED BLENDS | HERBAL MATERIALS TESTING SERVICE | 6, Butts Fold, Cockermouth, Cumbria, CA13 9HY. UK. | Tel: +44 (0) 1900 826392 | Text: 07761 489838 | Email: info@qiessence.co.uk | VAT Number: GB 254544794