Nineth Interview with Spicy Lemon Jazz (SLJ) …
Spicy Lemon Jazz was interviewed on Facebook:
SLJ: uhhhhhhh ehhhhhhhhee thud thud thud [running] wheeeeee.
SLJ Location: Cloud 9
QEL: I know, 100% Bio Degradable Label, Film, Adhesive, Security Seal yet durable for daily use …
SLJ: and fits like a glove!
QEL: Proof of the proof folks SLJ labels have been approved and will be rolling out soon. ‘SLJ come down from there!’ Yes you do look pretty … [sigh]
SLJ: Did you get my best side?
QEL: Errr yes got your every side, you’re round, not your bottom though.
SLJ: Thank you … I know it’s tiny. I’m so HAPPY.
Spicy Lemon Jazz Hand Sanitizer + Skin Conditioner
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